Anglo-French Cooperation Essential to Protect Salmonids at Sea
Scientists and fisheries managers meet in France for International SAMARCH Forum
Preliminary findings from tracking studies carried out by the SAMARCH research programme show that sea trout from France migrate to the UK coast and vice versa, and that individuals from both France and the UK are sharing similar marine feeding habitat. The results highlight the need for international management of sea trout at sea.
The SAMARCH research is being shared at an international forum, Salmon and sea trout: scientific tools for their protection (Saumon & Truite de mer: des outils scientifiques au service de leur protection) taking place on 17 & 18 May 2022 in Pléneuf Val André (France). Over 120 international participants, focused on the management and protection of wild salmon and sea trout, are coming together at the event organised by Bretagne Grands Migrateurs.
Sea Trout being released by GWCT’s William Beaumont
The SAMARCH (SAlmonid MAnagement Round the CHannel) programme is funded by the Interreg VA ‘France (Channel) England Programme’ for a period of seven years from 2017 to 2023. It aims to improve the management of salmon and sea trout populations in the Channel.
The forum brings together scientists and fisheries managers from France and England, in order to present the first results of the SAMARCH research programme and take stock of the current knowledge on salmon and sea trout in the rivers, estuaries and coastal areas between France and the UK.
Forum participants will also focus on the management and regulations that exist in the marine environment, and how the results from SAMARCH can be used to inform policy and management practices. Discussions will be used to develop recommendations that will maximise the potential of novel data collected by the SAMARCH partners, to protect and improve migratory salmonid stocks.
SAMARCH is a consortium of 10 partners involved in scientific research and management, led by MSA member, the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) which aims to generate new knowledge on the biology and ecology of salmonids and to transfer this knowledge to improve regulations in France and the UK for the management of salmonids in estuaries and coastal areas. The ultimate aim is to help increase salmon and sea trout populations.
Gaëlle Germis, Directrice of Bretagne Grands Migrateurs, responsible for organising the Forum, said “We are delighted that all the partners of SAMARCH are present for this event in France. We are happy to welcome Prof. Ken Whelan, as well as all our Breton and Norman partners who work every day to manage and restore migratory salmonids. The exchanges that will take place during the discussions will enrich the debates on topics such as the restoration of ecological continuity in the coastal zone, offshore wind power, the supervision of professional and leisure fishing.”
Dylan Roberts, SAMARCH Project Manager and GWCT Head of Fisheries, said “With stocks of Atlantic salmon and sea trout at critical levels across much of their natural range it is crucial that we work together, to protect these fish. I am looking forward to two days of interesting debate over what is a very complex conservation area.”
The International SAMARCH Forum, is also a featured event for World Fish Migration Day, whose main goal is to improve the public’s understanding of the importance of migratory fish and how we can reduce our impact on them.
1) The partners in the SAMARCH programme: UK - Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust , University of Exeter, Environment Agency, Salmon & Trout Conservation, Bournemouth University. France – INRAE, I’insitut Agro Rennes Angers, Office Francais de la Biodiversité, Seine-Normandie Migrateurs, Bretagne Grands Migateurs
2) Salmonids – from the family (Salmonidae), elongated bony fishes, which include salmon and trout (and their migratory form known as sea trout).
4) International SAMARCH Forum:
5) Forum programme in English can be found here:
6) SAMARCH project website:
7) More information about the Interreg VA France (Channel) England Programme can be found at:
For more information contact Kate Williams, GWCT on, tel. 07592 025476
As an Alliance of six organisations, we will build on the existing work of our partners and maximise our impact by taking a coordinated approach and vital action in order to halt and reverse the decline of wild Atlantic salmon.
The goal of the Missing Salmon Alliance is to build an evidence-base to influence national and international decision-makers to regulate activities that adversely impact wild Atlantic salmon.
The Missing Salmon Alliance
The MSA is comprised of the following members:
Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Atlantic Salmon Trust, the Angling Trust with Fish Legal, The Rivers Trust and Fisheries Management Scotland.